Thursday, December 29, 2011

100 facts

1. Real name : Nur Farahin Rashidi

2. Nickname(s): Farra / Faa / Paen

3. Zodiac Sign: Pisces 

4. Male or female: Female

5. Elementary School: SK Bukit Kuchai

6. High School: SMK Seksyen 1, Bandar Kinrara

7. College: UKM

8. Hair color: black

9. Tall or short : tall? i guess. haha

11. Sweats or Jeans: jeans

12. Phone or Camera: phone

13. Health freak: no

14. Orange or Apple: apple

15. Do you have a crush on someone? No

16. Eat or Drink: Both

17. Piercings : Yes

18. Pepsi or Coke: none


19. Been in an air-plane: yes

20. Been in a relationship: yes

21. Been in a car accident: yes

22. Been in prison: No


23. First piercing : 5 years old 

24. First best friend: shazeeya bt sawal

25. First award: standard 5 i think

26. First crush: MNA. haha

27. First word: haa


29. Last person you talked to in person: room mate

30. Last person you texted: ayah :)

31. Last person you watched a movie with: family

32. Last food you ate: gardenia bread (vanilla)

33. Last movie you watched : Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol 

34. Last song you listened to: carta hati

35. Last thing you bought: handbag

36. Last person you hugged: ibu


37. Food: spaghetti 

38. Drink: ice lemon tea

39. Bottoms: romp

40. Flower: orchid 

41. Animal: cats

42. Colours: pink, silver, white

43. Movies: a walk to remember

44. Subjects: english

(Put an X in the brackets if yes)

45. [X] fell in love with someone 

46. [ ] celebrated Halloween 

47. [X] had your heart broken. 

48. [X] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. 

49. [ X] had someone question my sexual orientation.

51. [ ] got pregnant. 

52. [ ] had an abortion. 

53. [X] did something I regret.

54. [X] broke a promise.

55. [X] hide a secret.

56. [X] pretended to be happy.

57. [X ] met someone who changed your life. 

58. [X ] pretended to be sick

59. [X ] left the country.

60. [X] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. (not in a wrong way.) 

61. [X]cried over the silliest thing. 

62. [ X] ran a mile.

63.[X ] went to the beach with your best friend. 

65.[ ]hated someone. 

66.[ ]stayed single for 2 year. 


67. Eating: No

68. Drinking: No

69. Listening: No

70. Sitting/Laying: Laying 

71. Plans for today: do some revisions.   

72. Waiting: for 8 P.M


73. Want kids? Yes 

74. Want to get married? Yes

75. Career: bank officer

76 Lips or eyes: Both

77. Shorter or taller: taller

78. Romantic or spontaneous: Both

81. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship

82. Looks or personality: Personality


83. Lost glasses/contacts: No

86. Killed somebody: No

87. Broken someone's heart: Yes

88. Been in love: Yes

89. Cried when someone died: Yes


90. Yourself: Yes 

91. Miracles: Yes 

92. Love at first sight: Yes 

93. Heaven: Yes

94. Santa Claus: No

95. Sex on the first date: No

96. Kiss on the first date: No


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes

98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes 

99. Do you believe in God : Yes

100. Post as 100 truths?: Yes

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

happy smile

I've great friends and families.
Sometimes it feels wrong to fly this high cause I'm scared of downfalls. 
Reason being,good things never lasts isn't it? 
Just when you feel like you're on top of the world, everything will crash without a sign.It's like winning a million dollar and later you realized it is all just a dream. 
But this time, I choose to be idealist. 
Just because this momentary happiness is much worth it than pessimist thoughts. 

I do regret some unfortunate cases in my life, and God knows how much I wish to turn back time and erase certain scenes and people. 

I'm too young to carry this qualm in my heart. 
But everything happens for reasons, I'm grateful for where I am now, and that's all that matters. 

Forgive. Forget.

Monday, December 26, 2011

having fun! now, open the book pls?

hye rakan2!
dah lama tak tulis entry baru.
now, ada masa sikit before bukak buku back.
study for final exam is stress u know.
haha tapi tanak terlalu stress, so take a breath farra!
baru sampai kolej, and mungkin akan kembali ke rumah sebelum exam start.
haha semoga tahun ini, semester ini takde lagi manusia2 yang berniat tidak baik dan sentiasa menganggu aku dalam pelajaran.
this is a warning peeps, i don't like u guys much!

so, sabtu yg lepas i went to my teacher's wedding!
dekat putrajaya, presint 8.
thanks to along and abg remmi sbab sudi membawanya! 
and seronok sebab dapat lepak2 with kawansampaimati!
have a look!

 besties! lovethemsomuch <3

along with abg remmi :) sayangduadua

now na semayang magrib, then study balik.
jadual kena ikot!
and ta saba nak plan along's birthday on this 28th!
goodluck to all who will sit for exam soon! 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

study mode is on!

salam people.
final aku start on 3rd January until 18th.
Lama kan?
tapi ta semua hari got exam.
so bole joget2 sikit.
hehe ^__^

after semua enjoy2 da habis, after da lepak-ing kat rumah puas2. after majlis tunang kakak aku yang dinanti2 dah selesai, masa utk FOCUS!
well. na kena study for final.
wish me luck peeps!
Serius takot, tapi ta saba pulak menghadapi nya.
Sebab na cepat2 habis.
Pastu bole dodok rumah dgn ibu whole time.
i mean time cuti :) hehehe

Okay now nak go back to study.
do takecare my sweetie pie blog!
owh i am craving for pavlova~~~~

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

buang niat jahat jauh2.

salam everyone.
should be aku da tido, akibat ubat2 yang aku da ambik.
and aku harus admit, nie demam yg paling terok pernah aku alami.
punca : food poisoning.
then, demam panas, gastric, pening2 kepala. semua!
kalau korg nak tau, aku typing nie pun sambil baring.
dan menunggu masa utk melelapkan mata.
kesan ubat2 nie.

first of all.
aku nak luahkan rasa sedih aku sebab sikap beberapa golongan manusia.
sebenarnya dalam waktu kita sakit, kita selalu percaya Allah tu maha adil.
Maha pemberi rahmat.
DIA ingin menguji aku dan ingin menyucikan aku dari segala dosa yg pernah aku sengaja / tak sengaja lakukan.
Tapi alangkah kejamnya segelintir pihak yang mendoakan aku untuk terus sakit dan hanyut dalam alam kesakitan yang perit ini.
Kalau 'kau' ada kat tmpat aku, kau akan nangis2 meronta taknak merasa sakit macamana yang aku rasa sekarang.
Susahnya kau nak makan, bila setiap kali kau makan, kau akan buang2 air dan muntah.
Susahnya kau nak berjalan, bila setiap kali kau bangun dari katil, dunia kau macam berpusing dan kau terjatuh.
Susahnya kau nak tido, sebab peritnya perut kau yang tak henti2 memulas seperti ada mesin yang menarik segala urat2.

Berdosa kita mendoakan kesakitan org lain.
Yang seharusnya kita mendoakan kesembuhan dia, sebab salah satu sebab pentingnya, dia TEMAN kita.
Tak kira la sejauh mana kau membenci orang itu, takde hak untuk kau mendoakan kematian dia.
Ajal dan maut di tangan Tuhan.
Bila dia dah takde suatu hari nanti, jangan kau terhegeh2 menangis mencari kemaafan.
Waktu tu, semua da terlambat.
Hargai lah dia sementara kau boleh.
Ibu aku tak pernah ajar aku untuk membenci orang.
Apa lagi mendoakan yang tak baik utk org.
Kerana aku yakin, setiap apa yg aku doakan itu satu hari akan terjadi pada aku jugak.
Cepat atau lambat.

Kalau sedalam mana kebencian aku pada org pon, aku tak pernah simpan lama2.
Aku tak pernah berusaha menjatuhkan dia.
Aku tak pernah terlintas nak doakan kesakitan dia, apatah lagi kematian dia.
Dia pon insan biasa macam aku.
Dan aku paling taknak menyesali sesuatu yang bakal terlambat utk aku sesali.

p/s : maaf people. bukan niat ingin berkasar. sekadar menyatakan apa yang terbuku. doakan kesembuhan aku. aminn. selamat malam.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

ber-ombak rindu!


Everyone was talking about it.
Sebelum cite ni start pon, everyone excited!
Aku pon ter-hingin laa nak tgk gak.
Aku tak ingat either pernah baca this novel atau tak.
Tapi macam pernah dgr jalan cite nie.

So semalam baru berpeluang tonton!
Itupun kakak2 aku yg bersemangat.
Dah beli tiket, so there it is!
Hari yang bad actually semalam.
Kereta aku ta ley start.
after lunch, tersadai aku kat parking almost 4hours!
sedangkan kete dah service, da cuci!
dugaan =.=
last2, alarm setting yg ta betol. 

so balik kat cite ombak rindu.
sumpah, aku suka citer dia.
Dgn watak Aaron Aziz yg sangat menjadi.
Satu dalam seribu wei lelaki macam tu zaman sekarang!
In love dgn diaaaaa~

Overall, aku suka jalan cerita dia.
Aku suka watak yg Aaron mainkan.
Romantik tapi baran!
Watak Lisa sgt saiko.
Scary bila dia jerit2. 
Watak maya karin sangat lembut.
Sangat baku bahasanya! hehe

bye peeps!
study timee. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

happiness is?

Happiness is, when I: 
  1. Falling in love. 
  2. Laughing so hard till my face hurts. No lines at the supermarket. 
  3. A special glance. 
  4. Taking a drive on a pretty road. 
  5. Hearing my favourite song on the radio.
  6. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside. 
  7. Vanilla milkshake!
  8. A bubble bath.
  9. Giggling. 
  10. A good conversation :)
  11. The beach
  12. Laughing at myself!
  13. Eye contact with a hot guy. HAHA
  14. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all. 
  15. Having someone tell me that I am beautiful
  16. With my best friends. 
  17. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you. 
  18. Making new friends
  19. Sweet dreams. 
  20. Road trips with friends. 
  21. Making eye contact with a cute stranger. 
  22. Eating chocolate chip cookies 
  23. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things never change! 
  24. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much-desired present from me. 
  25. Watching the sunrise. 
  26. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day. 
  27. Knowing that somebody miss me!
  28. Knowing that I’ve done the right thing, no matter what other people think!

    besties <3

    Wednesday, December 7, 2011

    Winners Never Quit!

    Hye people.
    My final exam is getting near.
    Err =.= 
    Sometimes I may feel, that I am not strong enough to do it.
    To proceed all that I have do before.
    Sometimes, there might be a person who will always let me down.
    Damn! I hate this type of person.
    One of the lessons that I grew up  was to always stay true to myself and never let somebody else distract me from my goals. 
    There are  also some person who always support me and encourage me.
    So, when I hear about negative and false attacks, 
    I really don't invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.

    In life, what we have to do is :
    Live with intention. 
    Walk to the edge. 
    Listen hard. 
    Practice wellness. 
    Play with abandon. 
    Choose with no regret. 
    Appreciate your friends. 
    Continue to learn. 
    Do what you love. 
    Live as if this is all there is.

    Don't give up.
    There are too many naysayers out there who will try to discourage you.
    Don't listen to them.
    The only one who can make you give up is yourself!

    Tuesday, December 6, 2011

    again to Broga Hills!

    morning people!
    lamanya tak h-update!
    hehe quite busy sbb nak menjengah ke final exam daa.
    so kena kurangkan online dan terpaksa kuburkan niat nak wat entry baru.
    so let's point to the main topic! 

    last sunday, aku ke broga. LAGI!
    jyeahhh. best3.
    pegi dgn kakak aku, plus bakal2 abg ipar (insyaAllah) and adik!
    yg paling excited na pegi is along!
    walaupun sgt letih hari sebelumnya, aku gagahkan diri pergi. 
    tapi ta sia2. sebab best giler naik dgn dorg especially.
    gambaar jom.

     introduce anak2 rashidi :) cun2 kan! tauu daa =.=


     me and adik! (dia lagi superdoubletriple besar dari aku =.=)

     along ayue with abg remmi ^__^

    anyah wanie dgn abg fiq! :)

     ~idayurashidi, zawanirashidi,farahinrashidi,firdausrashidi~

     six of us! sumpah best pegi dgn korang! (terharu taa? hehe )

     adik lagi =.=

     gambaa gedik wajib ada 1. hehe!

    iloveyouguys! <3

    nice day with you guys.
    alaaa tapi takpat tgk ombak rinduu lagi.
    sob3 ;(
    lain kali kita g sungai tekala pulak yaw!
    haritu takpat pegi sebab kitorang rasa sangat jauh.
    bukan2, aku yang rasa jauh.